The Super Tuesday is approaching and two candiates from Democratic party Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama sparred over main issues like Social Security, healthcare and electability. Both are now appealing to undecided voters to make up their minds. Every presidential candidate, from the democrats' side and also from republican's side are now monitoring polls, which are showing that race is more and more tight. Clinton has been long expected to win in California and she also did, but according to polls, she won only slighlty over Obama. In republican race the obvious leader is McCain and he has been expected to knock out his main rivals Romney and Huckabee. McCain said, that he will try to win over other Republicans by promising to appoint two judges in the mold of Supreme Court. But Romney also has his own weapons. He argues against McCain with McCain's campaign finance law, immigration bill and energy cap-and-trade bill. Romney also compares his solutions on major country issues to those of Clinton and Obama. Huckabee , who is now taking the third place in presidential race said, that it was time for Romney to drop out instead of him. But Huckabee is not giving up and hopes to be meet McCain in "two-man" race. In the Democratic race both candidates are accusing each other by distributing misleading mailers. Clinton has to explain her healthcare proposal, in which she plan the automatical enrollment of anyone, if they are at he place of employment. Obama argues with fact, that what if everyone could afford to buy for insurance, but Clinton refuse to answer that. Obama was hit back by the Clinton campaign claim that he plans to raise taxes by trillion dollars, what is nearly a third of size of the federal budget. Obama denied it and in his speech on CBS claimed that he still thinks Republicans and independents would support him, arguing with the issue of electability.
Edited by Iveta Nagyova
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